I just wanted to pay my respect to this incredible piece of technology; the 30 GB iPod 5G.
We are together for about two years now and not just my opinion, this is one of the best products Apple has ever created. Mine is actually a 5.5G which is an updated and more stable version of the 5G. Most of my friends are surprised when they hear it but I find 30 GB limited sometimes as my music library is growing steadily. the 80 GB model is a lot thicker than this and battery life is not as good. I use it with a pair of Sennheisers mainly and on long journeys I use Philips' SBC HP200. I also have some crappy bundle white earbuds as back-ups. Amateur or professional, every musician agrees that the quality of equipment is crucial for making or listening to the music. Believe it or not, this thing has better sound than most of the laptops on sale today.
This is unfortunately the last real white iPod that money can buy. It's Al Gore who forced Apple to discontinue their glossy white design products. As some of you might not know, he is in the board of directors and well you know his enviromentalist stuff. Today the only white Apple product on sale is the good old MacBook. I had my hands on the new iPod Classic but it's nowhere near this. Somehow it doesn't feel right. Cover flow is good but with white background? Come on Steve! Plus you get the album covers with reflection (again on white background) and slightly angled. Who wants that? I want my album covers as straight squares. The unit, screens, menus, every bit of it's design is perfect and flawless. I think this is Jonathan Ive's best work up to date.
So overall, my iPod is great, iPod Classic is not, don't buy it. It only comes in black or silver so it's not even an iPod. I'm sure they'll notice their mistake (the white iPhone is also a crap) at some point and will give us white, proper iPods and I will be happily using this one until that time.
"I will hold you for as long as you like, I'll hold you for the rest of my life."
Paul McCartney - Calico Skies
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